Thank you for taking a few miniutes to respond to our jury service questionnaire. Your answers to the following questions will help us to improve jury services for those serving after you. All of your responses are voluntary and confidential.
Date Of Jury Service (1st Day):
1) What percent of your time was spent in the 1st Floor Jury Assembly Room? (Please check one only)
0-25% 26-50% 51-75% 76-99% 100%
2) Have you ever served on county jury duty before? Yes No
3)a. Where you chosen as a sworn juror to hear a case? Yes No
3)b. If so, on which type of case did you serve? Civil Crimminal
4) How would you rate the following factors? (Please check only one per line).
5) Did you lose income as a result of jury service? Yes No
6) What is your general impression of jury service? Favorable Unfavorable
7) If you have been on jury duty before, how does this experience compare with your previous experience? (please check only one).
Not as good as before About the same as before Better than before
8) Sex -------------------------------------- Female Male
9) Age ---------18 - 20 21 - 24 25 - 34 35 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 65 +
10) Occupation:
11) If you have any comments about your experience, the courthouse staff, or suggestions for improving jury service, please use the space below.