1. Reading and Approval of Minutes 2. Opportunity for the Public to Address the Board (Agenda Items Only) 3. Proclamation declaring May 27, 2009 as Buckle Up Lackawanna County Day in Lackawanna County. 4. Approving Current Payables. 5. Entering into a Grant Agreement by and between Lackawanna County and the LECOR Grant Recipients. Speaker: Mary Liz Donato, Office of Planning and Economic Development 6. Approving a Memorandum of Understanding. Speaker: Tom Dubas, Director for Emergency Services 7. Entering into a Professional Services Contract with Parente Randolph. Speaker: Tom Durkin, Director for Adminstrative Services 8. Entering into a Professional Services Contract with Asher & Company, LTD. Speaker: Tom Durkin, Director for Adminstrative Services 9. Budget Revision to the 2008 Act 137 Fund. Speaker: Bill Coleman, Office of Planning and Economic Development 10. Opportunity for the Public to Address the Board 11. Commissioners' Other Business